ranking of the best rapper songs from solo albums.

ranking of the best rapper songs from solo albums.

On the eve of the rapper's first anniversary, thus paying homage to him, we present our subjective ranking of the best moments in his solo career, broken down into subsequent releases signed with his nickname.

ranking of the best rapper songs from solo albums.

SMILE BACK [ z albumu „Blue Slide Park” ]

In a way, it is a manifesto showing the way his further career will be marked, the glorification of his skills and the response to haters showing his attitude towards them.

WATCHING MOVIES [ z albumu „Watching Movies Withe The Sound Off” ]

A great, absolutely phenomenal, though very depressive, marked by bitter words album was against the eternally smiling and joyful kid from Pittsburgh. The album, like the aforementioned piece, showed the other side of fame and problems associated with it.

WEEKEND [ z albumu „GO:OD AM” ]

This issue, in turn, accounts for the week, with each individual day, and thus presents difficult relationships with women and drugs. Both things contributed to depression that no one had seen or wanted to see in Malcolm and this one was slowly taking him away from the world.

MY FAVORITE PART [ z albumu „The Divine Feminine” ]

A song praising heavenly then-partner of Mac. Ariana Grande, because she was mentioned in this issue anyway. The union pointed out that the rapper had come to the right person who would help him in the fight against drug addiction.

SELF CARE [ z albumu „Swimming” ]

This album probably most highlighted the problems with which he struggled so far and after parting with the above-mentioned partner. He preached enormous psychological problems, which our hero solved with the help of alcohol and drugs. All of these things contributed to the artist's death, which took place only a month after the release of the album.

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