There is no person in the world who would influence the tastes of young people more and not only people interested in lifestyle or fashion in the broad sense.
Last SuperSet this year! We were able to release a lot of inspiration throughout 2019 and we hope that they inspired you to put together the perfect fit that matches your styles. We end this year with a colorful styling.
Sezon NBA trwa w najlepsze! Chłopaki na parkietach dwoją się i troją a nowe gwiazdy mają szansę zabłysnąć. Kto w tym roku zdobędzie najważniejsze trofeum?
We are currently buying more and more gadgets that improve our daily functioning, streamlining our activities - in a word, practical solutions thanks to which we save time and sometimes seem unmovable space.
Idzie zima więc przygotowaliśmy dla Was inspiracje złożoną z najnowszej dostawy. To co w niej znajdziecie to zimowa kurtka oraz czarny crewneck od Alpha Industries.
The action initiated by the American XXL magazine called "Freshmen" was transplanted to Polish soil by the editors of the Popkiller website. Both of them are aimed at introducing rap nicknames to a wider audience, which are worth paying attention to in the future.